Our Story

As many people know, "Carpe Diem" literally means "seize the day."  Carpe Capra literally means "seize the goat."  For us, this has multiple meanings. 

First, if you have ever owned a goat, you know that you are going to occasionally have to grab a goat.  They are very friendly, but also highly curious and agile creatures.  This often means that they can end up where you may not expect them, necessitating some seizing. 

Merriam Webster defines "carpe diem" as  ":  the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future."  Goats epitomize this for us.  Watching a kid running around and kicking up their heels demonstrates the meaning of unbridled joy -- one cannot help but smile.  Carpe Capra, for us, helps us to learn from our goat friends and enjoy the present moment. 

As you can see, our site is still under development.  We do, however, currently have raw fiber for sale, as well as some dairy and colored angora goats.  We are located in the Pacific Northwest (near Olympia).  Feel free to call us or use the contact form with any questions you may have.